Transforming Your Space

First Smart-Modular System

Connekt is the innovative solution for your electrical installations. We combine the power of smart technology with the flexibility of modular design to elevate your surroundings and enhance your lifestyle.

Smart & Modular

Transforming your space.

Connekt modular system seamlessly blends cutting-edge smarts with snap-in modules to tailor your space. Imagine remotely controlling lights or even monitoring real-time energy usage all while creating a personalized setup that perfectly fits your needs.


Connekt system is incredibly easy to install, whether you’re upgrading your current sockets and switches or setting up new ones from scratch.

Digital Twin

The application maps the real environment into a virtual one, therefore it is possible to monitor what is happening with the system in real time.

Dynamic Color *

Night Light *

Timer *

Wireless Switch *

Touch Button *

Dynamic Color *

Night Light *

Timer *

Wireless Switch *

Touch Button *

Exciting for everyone

Step into the world of vibrant possibilities

Dynamic Device Control

Ability to program virtual switches and sensors to control a desired number of external devices connected to smart sockets, as well as devices linked to the smart board.

16 Million Colors

Effortlessly tailor your environment & match with interior with precision through our intuitive color adjustment feature, putting the perfect hue for every moment at your fingertips.

Track Energy Consumption

The Connect app sounds like a helpful tool to cut back on your electricity use! By tracking your consumption, you can pinpoint energy guzzlers and take steps to bring your bills down.

Access it From Any Device
seamless cross-device control, letting you manage anything, anywhere.
Got a routine? Schedule it.
Daily, Countdown, Cyclic Timing & More
Voice Command
Compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant
Turn Non-Smart to Smart
Connect a Smart Board via cable to any device for seamless monitoring and control.
8 Colors
Palettes that matches your interior.

New-Age Design *

Wireless Switch *

Vibrant Colors *

Smart Board *

Truely Modular *

RGB Frame *

Dynamic Control *

Time Saving *

Money Saving *

30+ Modules *

Connekt sockets, switches, and covers are available in a range of colors and materials. Find the perfect match for your home, office, apartment, hotel, restaurant, or advertising space.